
Experienced Research and Development Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the broadcast media industry. Skilled in Computer Science, Broadcast Engineering, Internet Streaming, Integrated broadcast-broadband systems. I was born in Hamamatsu City, Japan, the place where Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha were founded. I have been programming since I was eight years old, and studied computer science at university, and gained experience in developing UNIX-based mobile infrastructure and TV STBs at a telecommunications equipment manufacturer.

NameMasashi Ito (MAITOU)
OccupationR&D Engineer – Broadcast and Connected Systems
PersonalityMaker. My motto is to be active until death.
InterestComputer Science, Cloud, UNIX, Crypto, Video Streaming Technologies, Integrated Broadcast-Broadband systems, New Agriculture Technology.

Engineer Experience

Principal Architect and R&D Engineer

Fuji Television – Tokyo, Japan
June 2013 — Present

Research and Development of new technologies in broadcast and broadband media.
– TV Audience measurement systems using AWS, GCP, …
– An integrated broadcast-broadband system
– Ultra-low latency live streaming technologies
– OTT Dynamic Ad Insertion technogolies

Video Network Engineer

Fuji Television – Tokyo, Japan
July 2011 — June 2013 ⋅ 2 yrs

– Building Satellite Links using the AS5, SuperBird B2.
– Building Microwave Links for News Gathering.
– Line constructions using land lines.
and construction their equipment and facility design.

System Architect – TV Automation & Playout

Fuji Television – Tokyo, Japan
Apr 2001 — July 2011 ⋅ 10 yrs

Technical specialist with specific focus on broadcast playout systems, video servers and media workflows.

Programmer – Mobile Services, TV STB

Uniden – Tokyo, Japan
1996 — 2000 ⋅ 4 yrs

– Management systems for the Internet service provider.
– Computer telephony integrated systems on mobile network.
– Messaging gateway systems utilizing Pagers and SMS via the Internet.
– Firmware update systems for DTV IRDs via PSTN.

(COMDEX Japan ’97)

Books and Papers

“Zukai Zatsugaku Angou Riron”


Practical Cryptography Guide

“Angou Kouryaku Guidebook”


Practical Cryptography Guide

“Angou Kouryaku Manual”


Practical Cryptography Guide

“Koushite Mamorareru Tsushin no Himitsu”

Network Magazine, Dec 2003

How to secure your internet connection.

Volunteer experience


Plan International
May 2014 — 2020 ⋅ 6 yrs

Human Rights


Kamonohashi Project
May 2015 — 2020 ⋅ 5 yrs

Poverty Alleviation